Thursday, March 22, 2018

Task 1: Business English 2

Verb Phrase Analysis: Drivers Go-Jek Jarring Rp 8.2 Trillion National Economy

1.     Background
In the era of globalization, the development of the world of information technology is very rapid. In this field is one of support for the economic development of Indonesia. However, due to the kompetibelitas of this technology using the English language, then the actuator which uses technology required to master English as supporting the use of some device technology that his commandments using the English language.
English is becoming the key entered in the Association's global business. When world trade was just being a small village in trading on the internet, English is becoming the main requirement to be able to enter into the virtual world. Ideally, in accordance with the demands of globalization which increasingly tight labor competition, both from within and outside the country, then it should have a human resources (HR) Indonesia language United Kingdom.
Go-JEK is a technology company with a social mission to improve the welfare and livelihoods of informal workers in various sectors in Indonesia. Go-JEK champions three essential values: speed, innovation, and social impact.
Go-JEK drivers say that since joining us u.s. partners, they have seen their income increase and reached more customers through our app. They also have access to health and accident cover, financial services and insurance, as well as affordable automatic payments and many other benefits.
Go-JEK now operates in 50 cities across Indonesia, including Bali, Balikpapan, Banda Aceh, Bandar Lampung, Bandung, Banjarmasin, Batam, Banyuwangi, Belitung, Bukittinggi, Cilacap, Cirebon, Garut, Gresik, Jakarta, Jambi, Jember, Madiun, Kediri, Karachi, Magelang, Madura, Malang, Manado, Makassar, Mataram, Medan, Padang, Palembang, South Sumatra, Mojokerto, Pasuruan, Pekalongan, Pekanbaru, Pontianak, Siantar Dykes, Probolinggo, Purwakarta, Purwokerto, Salatiga, Samarinda, Semarang, Serang, Sidoarjo, Solo, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya, Sumedang, Surabaya, Tegal, and Yogyakarta, with more cities to follow in the coming years.
Demographic Institute faculty of Economics and business of the University of Indonesia (LB FEB UI) deploying research to look at the social impact of economic developments outside of the community obtained information and communication technology (ICT) and use case studies on Go-Jek. Research conducted in October to December 2017, involving 7,500 respondents of nine regions, namely the Jabodetabek, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang, Balikpapan, Makassar and Bali.
In the results of the research, Go-Jek rated contributed Rp 8.2 Trillion per year to the national economy of two-wheel driver partner earnings (Go-Ride). Go-Jek else rated pressure has reduced unemployment by expanding employment opportunities, especially those with high school education and equal level colleges. Driver services partners Go-Ride ever seen has felt an increase in welfare who become COGS national economic growth.
On micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM), the existence of Go-Jek make UMKM went into the realm of digital or online. The arrival of UMKM as partners Go-Food also opened and expanding market access, increasing the volume of transactions, encourage the use of technology and business assets. It is estimated, there is an additional Rp 1.7 Trillion per year of Go-Food.
For consumers Go-Jek, most respondents said the presence of the application Go-Jek raise their quality of life that comes from walks of life. The respondents any time assess Go-Jek safe and comfortable.
I agree with the fact that I find the source of a third of the article. In the era of globalization, with rapid technological developments, Indonesia is still able to animate the people with open jobs and make it easier for the public who use the applications Go-Jek in everyday activities.

2.     Theory
In linguistics, a verb phrase (VP) is a syntactic unit composed of at least one verb and its dependents—objects, complements and other modifiers—but not always including the subject. Thus in the sentence A fat man put the money quickly in the box, the words put the money quickly in the box are a verb phrase; it consists of the verb put and its dependents, but not the subject a fat man. A verb phrase is similar to what is considered a predicate in more traditional grammars.
Verb phrases generally are divided among two types: finite, of which the head of the phrase is a finite verb; and nonfinite, where the head is a nonfinite verb, such as an infinitive, participle or gerund. Phrase structure grammars acknowledge both types, but dependency grammars treat the subject as just another verbal dependent, and they do not recognize the finite verbal phrase constituent. Understanding verb phrase analysis depends upon knowing which theory obtains in context.
a.      Simple Verb Phrases
A simple verb phrase consists of a main verb. The verb in a simple verb phrase shows the type of clause (e.g. declarative, imperative):
Your camera takes fantastic pictures. (present simple, declarative clause)
Dress smartly. Arrive on time. (imperative clauses).

b.      Complex Verb Phrases
A complex verb phrase may include one modal verb and one or more auxiliary verbs before the main verb. A modal verb always comes before any auxiliary verbs:
(mo = modal verb; aux = auxiliary verb; mv = main verb)
                              [MO]   [MV]
House prices could fall during the next six months. (modal verb + main verb)
         [MO] [AUX] [MV]
You may have played this game before. (modal verb + one auxiliary verb)
                      [MO]  [AUX] [AUX]  [MV]
The work should have been finished by 30 January. (modal verb + two auxiliary verb)

·         Meaning of Auxiliary Verbs in Verb Phrases
Auxiliary verbs give different types of meanings to a verb phrase.

·         Order of Verbs in Verb Phrases
The continuous, perfect and passive meanings of auxiliary verbs may be combined in a verb phrase, and auxiliary verbs may combine with modal verbs.
The order of the different types (and meanings) of verbs in the verb phrase is shown in the table as 1–5, from left to right.
modal verb
perfect have
continuous be
passive be
main verb
must be followed by base form
must be followed by -edform
must be followed by -ingform
must be followed by -edform
The builders
The show
Four people
The printer
A combination of all the auxiliary meanings plus a modal verb is possible but is very rare:

She may have been being interviewed for a job. Perhaps that’s why she was there. (modal may + perfect have + passive been + continuous being + main verb interviewed).

·         The First Verb
The first verb in a complex verb phrase indicates the time somebody did something and matches the person and number of the subject, except when it is a modal verb.
He has lost his keys.
We were taken to a big room.
I was hoping to see Professor Jones.
I could meet you next week.

3.     Analysis
The results of the analysis of the background is:
Verb Phrases
English is becoming the key entered in the Association's global business
Be + Present Pariciple (-ing)
Is = helping verb
Becoming = main verb
then it should have a human resources (HR) Indonesia language United Kingdom.
Modal Verb + Main Verb
Go-Jek else rated pressure has reduced unemployment by expanding employment opportunities, especially those with high school education and equal level colleges
Has + Past Participle (Verb 3)
It is estimated, there is an additional Rp 1.7 Trillion per year of Go-Food.
Has + Past Participle (Verb 3)

4.     Conclusion
Based on the above background, technological advances in the applications of Go-Jek already perceived society, both from the pemitraan or consumer. In doing the analysis breaks the sentence, I still have that shortcomings and possible mistakes in conducting the analysis. I use verb phrases in doing analysis, and sentences that I find many are not in accordance with the rules of preparation of verb phrases.


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